person:eric t. schneiderman

  • New York Attorney General to Investigate Firm That Sells Fake Followers - The New York Times

    “Impersonation and deception are illegal under New York law,” Mr. Schneiderman wrote on Twitter. “We’re opening an investigation into Devumi and its apparent sale of bots using stolen identities.”
    Eric T. Schneiderman, the attorney general of New York. Credit Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

    The investigation is the latest in a series of federal and state inquiries into the commercial and political abuse of fake accounts on social media. Tens of millions of fake accounts have been deployed to defraud businesses, influence political debates online and attract customers.

    Social media companies, including Twitter and Facebook, have drawn intense scrutiny for not taking greater steps to weed them out. Many of the accounts identified by The Times appear to violate Twitter’s own policies, but remained active on the social media platform for years, each retweeting and promoting Devumi customers.

    “The internet should be one of the greatest tools for democracy — but it’s increasingly being turned into an opaque, pay-to-play playground,” Mr. Schneiderman said.

    #Fake_news #Followers_gate

  • Exxon’s Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels’ Role in Global Warming Decades Ago

    Dès 1977.

    #Exxon responded swiftly. Within months the company launched its own extraordinary research into carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and its impact on the earth. Exxon’s ambitious program included both empirical #CO2 sampling and rigorous climate modeling. It assembled a brain trust that would spend more than a decade deepening the company’s understanding of an environmental problem that posed an existential threat to the oil business.

    Then, toward the end of the 1980s, Exxon curtailed its carbon dioxide research. In the decades that followed, Exxon worked instead at the forefront of climate denial. It put its muscle behind efforts to manufacture doubt about the reality of global warming its own scientists had once confirmed. It lobbied to block federal and international action to control greenhouse gas emissions. It helped to erect a vast edifice of misinformation that stands to this day.

    #carbone#énergie #fossiles #climat #sans_vergogne

    • Climat : Exxon savait, parmi d’autres,62079

      Bref, en un mot comme en cent, les dirigeants de la plus grande compagnie pétrolière du monde connaissaient les effets à venir des émissions croissantes de CO2. Six ans avant la création du Giec. Etaient-ils les seuls ? Evidemment, non.

      En 1960, les premiers climatologues américains avaient rédigé, pour le président Johnson, un rapport sur le sujet. Leur verdict : un réchauffement prévisible pouvant aller jusqu’à 4°C, l’acidification des océans, la montée du niveau des mers[1]. Bien des années avant, en 1953, Gilbert Plass, un physicien passé chez le constructeur d’avions Lockheed, avait calculé, à l’aide des premiers ordinateurs, qu’un doublement de la concentration de dioxyde de carbone allait faire grimper de 3,6°C la température moyenne globale. Pile poil, ou à peu près, ce que dira le Giec, plus de 40 ans plus tard.

      Faut-il blâmer Exxon de ne pas avoir agi en toute connaissance de cause Sans doute. Mais il y a plus grave. La compagnie américaine était loin d’être la seule à imaginer les conséquences (les principales, du moins) de l’utilisation du pétrole. Pour preuve, la note de 1982 se base sur des articles publiés par la presse scientifique et des études ouvertes. Plus problématique, en revanche, est la suite qu’elle a donné à ses trouvailles. Comme le rappelait, récemment, Greenpeace Exxon a préféré, des décennies durant, nier la réalité du changement climatique et de ses origines et financer, à coup de millions de dollars, les médias et les personnalités qui jetaient le doute sur les travaux des climatologues. Les vrais.

    • Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by New York Attorney General

      The New York attorney general has begun an investigation of Exxon Mobil to determine whether the company lied to the public about the risks of climate change or to investors about how such risks might hurt the oil business.

      According to people with knowledge of the investigation, Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman issued a subpoena Wednesday evening to Exxon Mobil, demanding extensive financial records, emails and other documents.

      The investigation focuses on whether statements the company made to investors about climate risks as recently as this year were consistent with the company’s own long-running scientific research.

      The people said the inquiry would include a period of at least a decade during which Exxon Mobil funded outside groups that sought to undermine climate science, even as its in-house scientists were outlining the potential consequences — and uncertainties — to company executives.

  • A.G. Schneiderman Sues JPMorgan For Fraudulent Residential Mortgage-backed Securities Issued By Bear Stearns | Eric T. Schneiderman

    “This lawsuit will bring accountability for the misconduct that led to the crash of the housing market and the collapse of the American economy,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “Our lawsuit demonstrates that there is one set of rules for all – no matter how big or powerful the institution may be – and that those rules will be enforced vigorously. We believe that this is a workable template for future actions against issuers of residential mortgage-backed securities that defrauded investors and cost millions of Americans their homes. We need real accountability for the illegal and deceptive conduct in the creation of the housing bubble in order to bring justice for New York’s homeowners and investors.”
